Friday, June 24, 2011

Love God. Love People. Love Self.

This has been weighing heavily on my heart lately...and I saw someone post this on Facebook today. You can not use being scared to be a hypocrite as a reason to keep yourself from going to church and serving God .........and that has been on BIG factor in my life. I constantly feel unworthy, b/c I do not want to be seen as person who goes to church and then walks away cussing or causing turmoil (b/c we are human)--and that is so True, but He fixes the broken hearts, heals the busted the lives, loves the unlovable, and forgives the unworthy.
But just because you go to church DOES NOT make you Righteous or Holy. Going to church and worshipping makes you no more a Christian, than you standing in a garage and calling yourself a CAR! There are things you have to make happen in your life, things that move you to a different level. You have to stop making the same mistakes over and over again. Once you sin and ask forgivness, you need not do those things again....Stop preaching to people, and start reaching people! Love God. Love People. Love Self.
Although Ive made many mistakes in my life, I refuse to be judged on whats on the "outside", b/c I know where I stand with my relationship with Christ on the "inside". He is the Center of my universe and life..and just b/c I choose to wear pants, or cut my hair does NOT mean I am less of  person or Christian than ANYONE ELSE!
I refuse to be berated, cut down, or name called EVER again! I refuse for my definition of myself be designed by someone else.I choose happiness. I choose love. I choose to love people. I choose to forgive. I choose to forget. I choose to move on! I choose to learn from my mistakes and never look back! And I choose, first and formost, to Completely devote my life to HIM, my husband and my daughter!!

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