You cannot erase the past, but you must LET IT GO! You cannot change yesterday, but you can always accept the lesson learned!
Ive learned that mistakes will almost always be made, no matter how hard we try to prevent them or make them go away..But mistakes make us wiser, stronger, and better!
Ive been hateful, Ive been ugly, Ive allowed bad things in my life, Ive done bad things, Ive hurt people, Ive hurt family, and Ive hurt friends.
But Ive also been hurt, been pushed away, been neglected, had my heart crushed, lied to, been called names, been blamed...Ive had hurt. Ive been hurt.
All of these things that have been done to me, or that Ive ever done, Have shaped me. Ive learned lessons from each "mistake". With all of that being said, Im ready to live only in the present. All we have is right now, and if we are constantly worried about what others think of us or do to us, we will never be able to truly be happy and live life in the moment! Other wise, We will always be worried about whats going to happen or who's going to hurt us!!!! Im 24 years old and feel wiser beyond my years...the things I did when I was 17, 18,19, or 20 years old are NO LONGER a part of my life or a part of me-----Ive grown up.
Im no longer worried with what ANYONE thinks about me, no longer worried about drama, no longer worried about anything but my husband, daughter, family, job, and friends! I am an ADULT. My past will NOT DEFINE ME!
If you cant move on, dont force others to live in your misery. Just b/c you cant let go of the past, doesnt mean others have to continue to hang on or be brought down to your level! If you cant accept "Im sorry" "Lets move on" "Lets Forget", then you have the problem.
Ahhhhhh, the feeling of RELEASE!
I look forward to my bright future. It will include Growing my relationship with Christ, growing my relationship with my Husband and Daughter, and growing my relationship with Family and Friends. I choose to Focus on the road ahead, no longer looking BACKWARDS! Its the only way to ADVANCE in life! :)
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